ABG Connect

ABG Wirtschaftsprüfungs &
Steuerberatungs GmbH

Tegetthoffstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
Tel 01 8764035-0, Fax Ext. -600

ABG Connect

ABG Wirtschaftsprüfungs &
Steuerberatungs GmbH

Tegetthoffstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
Tel 01 8764035-0, Fax Ext. -600

An eye on the big picture.
A focus on the details.

Real success stories have more
than just one chapter.

About us

Our history began 30 years ago, when Mag. Stefan Malaschofsky founded ABG. Since then, it has expanded to include several important chapters and, more importantly, main characters. In Matthias Malaschofsky and Paul Brezina, a new generation has arrived. Together, the three partners keep an eye on the big picture—while maintaining focus on the details.

The greatest weakness is
relying too much on your strengths.


The world is constantly changing—the world of laws and guidelines is no different. Keeping up to date is essential. The cooperation of several generations in one firm gives us a decisive advantage, as we have a wealth of experience at our disposal, which we augment with the most recent insights. Three strong opinions ensure that we always have new perspectives—and, above all, that we keep an eye on the big picture without losing our focus on the many details.